Management of Chronic Kidney Disease

Association Between Hyponatremia, Osteoporosis and Fracture: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Osteonecrosis Following Short-term, Low-dose Oral Corticosteroids: A Population-based Study of 24 Million Patients

Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory, Musculoskeletal, and Neuromotor Fitness in Apparently Healthy Adults

Hip arthroplasty for elderly hip fracture patients has higher risk of myocardial infarction, mortality compared to ORIF

Simple blood test could be used as tool for early cancer diagnosis

Vitamin C offers no benefits to patients with distal radial fractures.

FRAX underestimates risk of fragility fractures


Roux S. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;doi: 10.1210/jc.2013-4507.

Smoking increases risk of nonunion following fracture

Comparison of bone scintigraphy uptake patterns may guide nonunion treatment

Higher bone mineral density, smaller bone size found in patients with foot or ankle OA

Fragility fracture care costs EU €37 billion in annual health care costs

Vitamin D in human reproduction

Vitamin D in human reproduction: a narrative review

International Journal of Clinical Practice